Sewer and Water Utility Installation and Repair

Sewer Cap Off by DeMarr Construction

DeMarr Construction can help you with all of your underground wet utility installation and repair needs, including the planning, site development, and maintenance of essential infrastructure for managing water supply and wastewater in urban and rural areas. These services are critical for public health, environmental protection, and the overall functionality of communities, so it is important to ensure it is done correctly the first time.

Sewer Cap-Off

New Sewer Lateral Installation

Sewer Pipe Descaling and Video Inspection

Water Line Cap-Off for Demolition

Water Line Installation


Sewer cap-off is the process of disconnecting an existing sewer line for reconnection following a tear down and rebuild project. 

Need Sewer and Water Utility Installation?

At DeMarr Construction, we can assist with all of your sewer and water utility installation needs. From repairing existing Sewer and Water lines to complete installation of new Sewer and Water lines, we ensure the proper functioning of your utility systems. Our commitment is to make sure your sewer and water utility installation project is executed properly from the start.

Need Sewer and Water Utility Installation Services? Fill out the contact form, and we’ll be in touch.